Offer flex propositions your users love

Everything you need to sign up users, monetize assets, and pay your customers directly.

Grow your revenue and build your brand

Monetize your asset base in flexibility markets

Pay customers for their flex

Earn recurring revenue each month from flex markets

Create value for users

Build an enduring relationship with your users and pay them for their flex

Sell more units

Discount units against future flex revenues and offer cheaper sticker prices

Whitelabelled product & no developer time

Get started in days, not weeks

Axle’s optimized signup flows get customers signed up in seconds.White label them to match your brand, and use them as standalone web apps or embedded in mobile experiences.

Nested tags area

Harnessing thousands of batteries in the grid’s hour of need

In partnership with
Read Case Study

Whitelabelled product & no developer time


Axle’s optimized signup flows get customers signed up in seconds. Whitelabel them to match your brand, and use them as standalone web apps or embedded in mobile experiences.

EV Chargers

Pause charging in response to grid signals
Optimise against the customer’s tariff
Avoid overloading local grid connections


Smart charging delivered via your app
Compatible with onboard BMS
Earn revenue at home or at work

Solar Inverters

Earn revenue from solar curtailment
Forecast solar revenues for users
Upsell battery systems for maximum flex


Optimize for cheap charging and solar 
Minimize cycling whilst maximising revenue
Customisable depth-of-discharge limits to maximise user confidence

Heat Pumps

Thermostat or direct control of output
Co-optimise sCOP and flex revenues
Flex water and space heating with 
comfort guarantees

Ready to monetise your distributed assets?

Learn the value of your assets and get started today

Case study